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Yoga Teacher Training

At Madan Yoga, we are offering Yoga Alliance registered 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Trainings in locations in Pokhara (Nepal) and Tiruvannamalai (India). The Yoga Teacher Training Course (YTTC) is a residential course in which committed and dedicated yogis can deepen their understanding of a variety of yoga-related topics, enhance their practice, and eventually learn how to share their practice with others. The curriculum consists of both theory and practice based on the classical yoga tradition. This includes not only asana, but also the various aspects of yoga philosophy and ethics, anatomy, proper alignment, meditation and pranayamas. You will also get an introduction on ayurveda, and gain an insight on important tools for your professional development.
You will be studying among dedicated and experienced teachers whose aim it is to create a comfortable environment for you to learn and grow in the yoga field. Each week, you will have one full day free of lectures, so that you have time to self-study, journal, and take space for yourself to receive your learnings fully.

Graduates of this course receive an internationally-recognized certification which is recognized by the Yoga Alliance for the 200 hours standard for Registered Yoga Schools (RYS).


200hr Yoga Teacher Training with Madan Yoga

200hr Yoga Teacher Training with Madan Yoga

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A typical day in a Yoga Teacher Training Course (200 Hours) with Madan Yoga may look like this (subject to slight changes):

07:00 - 09:00 Pranayama & Asana

09:00 - 10:30 Breakfast & Self-time

10:30 - 11:30 Yoga History / Philosophy 

11:30 - 11:45 Tea Break, Relaxation

11:45 - 12:45 Adjustment & Alignment / Teaching Practice

12:45 - 14:30 Lunch Break, Relaxation

14:30 - 15:30 Yoga Anatomy / Teaching Methodology

15:30 - 15:45 Tea Break, Relaxation

16:00 - 17:30 Asana

18:00 - 18:45 Meditation / Mantra / Kirtan

19:00 - 20:00 Dinner

The Curriculum will give foundational knowledge on the following topics:

- Hatha Yoga / Asana: Historical context - Surya Namaskar - Standing, sitting, kneeling, supine, lying on abdomen, arm balance, inversion asanas - Benefits and contraindications 

- Pranayama: Effects of Pranayama - Pranayama vs. Prana - Historical context - Pranic energy pathways - Pancha Koshas, Kleshas, Chakras - Pancha Vayus (Pranic Body) - Types of Pranayama techniques

- Meditation: Benefits of meditation - Meditation poses - Meditation techniques - Mudras - Mantras and chanting

- Philosophy: Patanjali 8 Limbs of Yoga - The three bodies - The four parts of the mind (Antahkarana) - Chitta Bhumi - Patanjali Yoga Sutras understanding, translation, and discussion, Introduction to Hatha Yoga Pradipika

- Yoga Anatomy and Physiology: The effects of Yoga practice on cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, hormonal, nervous, skeletal, and muscular systems

- Yoga Biomechanics: Types of joint movements - Joint stabilization - Safe movement and prevention of injuries - Contraindications, misalignments, adaptations

- Ayurveda: Food and trigunas - Tridoshas - Dinacharya (daily routines) - Limits of Ayurveda

- Teaching methodology: Adjustment and Alignment - Preparation, atmosphere - Sequencing and transitions - Pacing and Cueing/instruction - Overall class management and qualities of a good teacher

- Yoga Ethics & Professional Development: The "10 Commandments of Yoga" - How to promote inclusion, diversity, and accessibility - Accountability - Continuing education - Marketing and promotion - Yoga-related Professional organizations.

This 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course with Madan Yoga is not only for aspiring yoga teachers but also for dedicated and motivated yogis who simply wish to deepen their understanding and knowledge of yoga-related topics and enhance their practice.

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Madan Yoga is hosting 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Trainings in beautiful locations with Himalaya views closeby Pokhara, Nepal. In addition to that, we are offering the 200 Hour course in Tiruvannamalai, India. All training courses are recognized by Yoga Alliance.

Questions? I am happy to provide you with any information you may need.

Interested? Click here to book online.

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